Monday, February 12, 2007

Weekly wrap up: no miles

Today was a blogging milestone for me. Somebody read my blog. Not that my buddy Nick, my wife, and other friends aren't somebodies, but this was a STRANGER. And despite my parents' warnings, I talked to him back. I feel all grown up now.

Not running this week has really screwed up my sleep schedule. I go to sleep early or late, wake up in the middle of the night, whatever. It also screwed up my blogging. I chose not to do a series of "What I Didn't Run Today." That would have been riveting.

I was tempted to run here and there, but I forced myself to be sit. I had avoided post-marathon illness for the first time and didn't want to screw it up. I'll start running tomorrow.

My YTD mileage is the same two weeks in a row. That sucks. I remind myself that my yearly mileage goal allowed two idle weeks, but it's small comfort.

On the upside, this week I baked my first decent bread (the kind that people eat out of preference, not pity). My previous bread attempts sat for days, sealed in a Ziploc, conscientiously ignored by my wife and kids. After they grew mold, I threw them away in despair. The loaves, not my family.

This weekend, I finally made bread that my kids love. Chewy, crusty, Italian-style fare that works great with dinner and with sandwiches. My only brick-like failure was the whole wheat. I'll perfect that the next off week I have.


keith said...

Jack said...
Sounds like an ambitious start to your long distance career. I wish you luck. Are you following a training plan or playing it by ear?

February 12, 2007 5:13 PM

keith said...
I am following a "Train for a 50K in 3 months!" Plan. Slowly upping time spent running and tapering towards the start.

I may be setting myself up for disaster. will you ever know if you don't attempt? How about you? Any tips of the trade you might want to share?

Jack said...

I've run three marathons and no 50K, so take my opinion fwiw. Most marathon training plans are 4 months long. Some are 12 weeks, if you've been seriously running (30-40 mi/wk) for a while. If you're just running to finish, you should be okay even without a serious base. Just don't run your long runs too fast.

I'm concerned about the number of blisters you have. I'm not blister-prone, but I occasionally get some from 20-miles and up. I'm afraid when you hit the really long runs, you'll be in a world of hurt.

I would suggest Glide on your feet, thicker or thinner socks, and some different shoes. If you haven't yet, I would go to a runner's (not sporting goods) store and try on as many shoes as possible, with advice from the shoe person. Take your old shoes with you, so s/he can see how they're wearing.

If you can find one, I'd try to find a store that knows ultra-runners. It shouldn't be too hard in the Twin Cities area. You can also check running forums for good stores.

This comment's getting a little long, but I can tell you more about the resources I use. Drop me an e-mail.